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Cilantro offers a fresh, citrusy flavor, commonly used in various cuisines to add a bright, aromatic note.

Lacinato Kale leaves in indoors farm

Lacinato Kale

Also known as dinosaur kale, this variety features dark blue-green, bumpy leaves and provides a slightly sweeter taste compared to curly kale

Swiss chard leaves in indoors farm

Swiss Chard

Recognizable by its vibrant stalks and deep green leaves, Swiss chard has a mild, earthy flavor and is rich in vitamins A, C, and K.


Known for having a strong bite to it, arugula is often described as peppery and spicy.

Romaine lettuce leaves in indoors farm

Romaine Lettuce

Has a mild flavor and is a staple in salads like Caesar.

Previous Harvests

red callaloo amaranth growing
butterhead lettuce
Sweet Thai Basil growing
black magic kale

Red Callalo


Butterhead Lettuce



Black Magic Kale